IAM manages the whole water cycle through its sanitation subsidiaries, including the catchment of raw water; water production, transportation and distribution; and the collection, treatment and final disposal of sewage.

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Catchment of raw water

For the catchment process, IAM’s subsidiaries in the Metropolitan Region have the rivers Maipo and Mapocho, important sources for catching raw water flowing down from the Andes. In the south of the country, the sources are surface water catchments, together with groundwater aquifers. The company, through the Aguas Group, holds the legal title to the water usage rights for all its sources.

In the center of the country, the subsidiaries have important water reserves to ensure the necessary supplies when source water is scarce. The three most important reserves in the Santiago Basin are: El Yeso reservoir, with a maximum capacity of 220 million m3; Laguna Negra, with 600 million m3, and Laguna Lo Encañado, with 50 million m3. In the southern concession areas it is unnecessary to have additional reserves as ESSAL’s sources ensure service continuity.

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Water Production

For the production of water, the company’s sanitation subsidiaries have a combined total production capacity of 38.27 m3 per second, of which 34.47 m3 per second relate to installations in the Metropolitan Region and 3.9 m3 per second to the ESSAL concession area. The principal water production plants in Greater Santiago are the Las Vizcachas complex and La Florida plant, with design flows of 16 m3/s and 4 m3/s respectively.

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Water Distribution

Aguas Andinas has around 373 tanks in Greater Santiago with a total capacity of over a million two hundred cubic meters, which provides the system with strengthened autonomy. In the Metropolitan Region, our distribution network is 13,258 kilometers in length, which implies a full coverage for drinking water customers.

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Sewage Collection

The collection of sewage is the service of evacuation of used waters through the sewer network to the treatment plants or points of final disposal.

Through its sanitation companies, IAM has an efficient collection network with a consolidated length of 12,823 kilometers.

In Greater Santiago, the distribution network is designed to work with gravitational flow and has a length of 10,763 kilometers; in the 10th and 14th Regions, the length is 2,060 kilometers.

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Sewage Treatment

Sewage treatment permits the decontamination of waste waters, leaving them in optimum conditions for their return to the natural courses and later use incirrigation, in accordance with the standards required under Chilean legislation.

The company’s sanitation companies maintain and operate two large treatment plants in Greater Santiago: The Trebal-Mapocho Complex and the La Farfana Plant. They also have 10 minor installations and another one to the north-east of the concession area.

These together treat 100% of the sewage of the Metropolitan Region.

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