Sustainability is part of our companies’ daily activities. Due to the nature of our business, our performance is based on assuming a fundamental commitment to society, which is an integral part of our corporate mission of providing an essential quality service to customers and helping to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Santiago basin.

Through our activities we seek to create value and progress for the country.

We believe in sustainable development of the hand of the environment, the community and our employees.

The business of our subsidiaries is directly linked to the sustainability of their interest groups (IG) in different aspects. They are suppliers of potable water, an essential service for their clients, whose continuity and quality has a direct impact in the customers’ quality of life and the development of the country.

The relationship with the communities and the environment is an indissoluble part of our daily activities and due to this, our operations, from the management and use of water sources, to the reutilization or disposition of wastes, require of processes which directly or indirectly impact the sustainability of our interest groups.

Finally, the continuity and quality of water depends on a positive and growing relationship with our workers. This involves safety, training, work benefits, professional development, amongst others. Unlike other services, water management includes an indispensable element in the development of the country and due to which aligning the previously mentioned factors requires direct participation from management and all of the stakeholders that manage the company.

Social responsibility is present in every act we do because we know that we participate in development and wellbeing of roughly 8 million people. For more information regarding our commitment with sustainability, please refer to Materiality Analysis and Aguas Andinas' Sustainability Reports.



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