IAM has other non-regulated businesses that are complementary to the sanitation industry. These subsidiaries are the following:


EcoRilesDedicated to the consultancy and integral management of waste and waste water, this subsidiary has consolidated itself as the most important operator of industrial effluent plants in the country, with a market share close to 50%.

During the year, the industrial maintenance line developed projects to optimize the company's operations. During fiscal year 2016, EcoRiles achieved total sales above MMUSD 19.0 per annum.

Análisis Ambientales S.A. (Anam)

Análisis Ambientales S.A. (Anam)Laboratory which conducts environmental analysis and sampling of water, soils and sludge, accredited under the Chilean requirements and the requirements of the network of laboratories of Suez Spain.

In the exercise, the subsidiary implemented the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), which will improve the management of the information generated both in the field and in the laboratory. In addition it increased considerably its participation in the mining sector, and successfully carried out collective negotiations with its workers favoring the long-term relations with the company. In terms of results, sales for more than MMUSD 10.5 were achieved in the period.

HIDRogistica S.A.

Gestion y servicioMarkets materials for potable water and sewerage networks, a business line that represents 95% of its revenues. The remaining 5% corresponds to the collector and network cleaning business whose services are required by water utilities and industries in general.

In order to maximize the Company’s profits, the subsidiary is studying the incorporation of two new business lines which have to do with electrical conductors and chemical inputs.


Subsidiary in charge of developing energy projects derived from the sanitation business.

Currently, Aguas del Maipo’s Methanization Plant is being constructed. This plant will allow for the conversion of the biogas generated in the La Farfana Wastewater Treatment Plan to be transformed into biomethane, a fuel compatible with natural gas, in order for it to be injected into the distribution network.




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