The ethical principles of IAM must be integrated by each and every person throughout the course of their work. In this regard, the system clearly defines the responsibilities at all levels.
The Management Committee of IAM is the first guarantor of the implementation of the Code of Ethics of the group. For this purpose, it must be given the necessary tools to carry out the monitoring of its deployment and to detect violations of its norms. It should also establish a system for monitoring the application of ethical devices and the adherence to the Code of Ethics.
The Head of Ethics, whose responsibility lies with the President of IAM’s Board of Directors, is who is in charge of managing the appropriate means for implementing the Code of Ethics and to exercise the necessary authority to ensure compliance.
A strong involvement of management
Among the tasks of the entire directive is that of ensuring, individually and collectively, the correct application of the Code of Ethics. It is mandatory that the rules stipulated in this document are known by every professional who can exert a certain influence in the running of the company or to influence a matter of its policies.
The behavior of these people, whose decisions have a major impact in terms of ethics, should, of course, be exemplary.
This way, when from the directive appoints someone to a position of responsibility, they must ensure that the person appointed has the powers, authority and means to implement the Code of Ethics of the group.
An adequately structured system
Promoting the ethical commitment of IAM occurs at the highest level: the Management Committee has provided the group with the appropriate structures for ethical management.
The ethical framework which includes rules, organs, procedures, and professional practices for ethical management is overseen by the Management Committee. This ethical structure, counts with the responsibility of ethics, particularly to ensure the adoption of the necessary procedures and ethical references within the group.
A Task of Dissemination
The senior roles in the hierarchy of IAM are the guarantors of the dissemination of this document to their teams, in order to enable them to understand and apply the ethical behavior of the group in their daily lives. To do this, they organize training or sensibility exercises. Also, they offer help and advice to those who ask questions or have doubts with regards to ethics.
The Head of Ethics is the person in charge in the Group who has the support of the Management Committee and directors for the deployment of ethical standards. Also, senior management has to verify the knowledge of their teams on ethical and regulatory obligations. They should also ensure that their practices comply with their duties. Finally, when there is no choice but to resort to sanctions, it's made respecting the law and local customs.
In summary
Although it is expected that all professionals of IAM adopt the ethical principles of the group, management has specific obligations: to communicate, educate, train and control. IAM has established a dedicated structure to enforce ethical practices and to verify that these practices are consistent with the commitments of the group.