Article Twenty Six.- Any dispute arising between the shareholders as such or between them and the company or its directors, either during the term of the Company or during its liquidation, shall be resolved each time by an arbitrator to be designated by the parties in dispute. If there is no agreement for the appointment, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the regular courts and have the quality of mixed arbitrator regarding the procedure, and in law regarding the merits, and must have been exercising for more than three years the post of lecturer in the Department of Civil Law or Commercial Law from the Law Faculty of Santiago from the Universidad de Chile or the Universidad Catolica de Chile.
Article Twenty-seven.- The arbitration provisions of the preceding article are without prejudice to the authority awarded to the solicitor in Article 125 of Law 18046, for which the shareholders, the directors of the Company and the latter establish as their address Santiago, Chile.
Transitory Article One.- The capital, upwards of $468,358,401,796 and divided into a billion registered shares of the same series, of equal value, without par value, pursuant to resolutions adopted at the 6th Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 17, 2009, is fully subscribed and paid as follows:
- The amount of $492,580,201,796, represented by 1,000,000,000 shares issued in a single series, fully subscribed and paid corresponding to the statutory capital of the company, in which it was expressed, the prior capital to the Extraordinary Shareholders meeting, under balance sheet of December 31, 2008, approved by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on April 17, 2009.
- With the decrease of the capital of the company agreed at the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on April 17, 2009, which restored to the shareholders the amount of $24.221.800.000, which reduced the capital of the company to the sum of $468,358,401,796, divided into one billion shares of the same series, of equal value, without par value, being fully empowered the Board to adopt all necessary arrangements to carry out the agreed capital reduction; to determine the date of payment of the return of capital which, in any case, must be verified before December 31, 2009; to provide publications and information that are necessary; as also to obtain all authorizations necessary or appropriate; and, in general, to finalize all the details designed to secure compliance of what was agreed.5
Transitory Article Two.- From this date until the time the first Ordinary Shareholders Meeting is held, the Company shall be managed by a committee composed of Angel Simón Grimaldos, Alfredo Noman Serrano, Xavier Amorós Corbella, Josep Bagué Prats, Fernando Rayon Martí, Alain Chaigneau and Jean Marc Boursier, as holders, with their alternates, Patricio Prieto Sánchez, José Vila Basas, Claudio Undurraga Abbott, Lluis Maria Puiggarí Lalanza, Fernando Samaniego Sangroniz, Jean Paul Minette and Fernando Bravo Valdés. The provisional Board will be withheld to the same rules and have the same powers that, according to the law and these statutes, are for the definitive Board of Directors, and its members are not entitled to a salary for their performance.
Transitory Article Three.- Until the first Ordinary Shareholders Meeting is held, to be carried out after this date, the designated External Auditors of the Company will be the Deliotte & Tourche Company of Auditors and Consultands Ltd.
Transitory Article Four.- Until there is a different resolution adopted by the Extraordinary Shareholders meeting, for the purposes specified in Article fifty-nine of Law 18046 all notices and summons to general meetings shall be published in Diario Financiero of Santiago, Chile.
Transitory Article Five.- The representation and powers of the company, as a limited liability company, will be substituted while its transformation into a public limited company is not fully legalized.
Transitory Article Six.- Ondeo Services Chile S.A. And Inversiones Aguas del Gran Santiago S.A. in their quality as the only shareholders of Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas S.A. agree to proceed to register the Company and its actions in the Securities Registry of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, to which the Company and its shareholders can make a public offering of these.
Transitory Article Seven.- Ondeo Services Chile S.A. And Inversiones Aguas del Gran Santiago S.A, in their capacity as the only shareholders of Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas S.A. agree that the transformation of company is subject to the resolute condition that the Company and their actions cannot be recorded in the Register of Securities of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance within the December 31, 2005 deadline. Fulfilling this condition, the social pact of Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas Limitada consisting of the public documents referred to in the first article of this clause will preside. A certificate issued by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance stating that these entries were made before the expiry of the time limit set, or a certificate issued by the same agency, with a compliancy dated later than the prescribed term, stating that those entries have not yet been materialized constitute sufficient proof of having met or failed to meet the above conditions. The respective certificate may be reduced to a public writing by any of the incumbent or substitute directors of the Company, and said writing can be noted in the margins of an inscription in the relevant Registry of Commerce.
I certify that this corresponds to an updated transcript of the statutes of Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas S.A. in May 2013.
5Article modified on 6a JEA of 17/04/2009