Income Statement
(CLP$ thousands) Sep.24 Sep.23 % Var. 2024 / 2023
Ordinary Revenue 483,042,204 475,235,519 1.6% 7,806,685
Operational Costs & Expenses (249,505,748) (245,452,688) 1.7% (4,053,060)
EBITDA 233,536,456 229,782,831 1.6% 3,753,625
Depreciation and Amortization (60,804,243) (56,574,217) 7.5% (4,230,026)
Operating Income 172,732,213 173,208,614 (0.3%) (476,401)
Other Earnings 2,237,091 (1,774,124) <(200%) 4,011,215
Impairment loss

Financial Results* (60,695,357) (51,157,663) 18.6% (9,537,694)
Tax expenses (24,335,533) (25,131,820) (3.2%) 796,287
Discontinued operations (45,608,960) (48,143,697) (5.3%) 2,534,737
Net Income 44,329,454 47,001,310 (5.7%) (2,671,856)

* Includes financial income, financial costs, exchange differences and results from readjustment units.

Revenue Analysis
Sep. 24 Sep. 23 Variation
Sales Participation Sales Participation Th$ %
Th$ Th$
Potable Water 196,502,255 40.7% 192,112,033 40.4% 4,390,222 2.3%
Sewage 217,408,241 45.0% 213,447,688 44.9% 3,960,553 1.9%
Other Regulated Income 19,550,385 4.0% 18,536,115 3.9% 1,014,270 5.5%
Non-Regulated Income 49,581,323 10.3% 51,139,683 10.8% (1,558,360) (3.0%)
Total 483,042,204 100.0% 475,235,519 100.0% 7,806,685 1.6%
Sales Volume (Th. m3)
Sales Volume (Thousands of m3) Sep.24 Sep.23 % Var. Difference
Potable Water 390,430 389,807 0.2% 623
Sewage Collection 374,766 374,096 0.2% 670
Sewage Treatment & Disposal 322,868 322,265 0.2% 603
Interconnections* 90,384 90,522 (0.2%) (138)
Customers Sep.24 Sep.23 % Var. Difference
Potable Water 2,339,334 2,296,728 1.9% 42,606
Sewage Collection 2,294,619 2,251,965 1.9% 42,654
Servicios No-Sanitarios
(CLP Th$) Sep.24 Sep.23 % Var.
EcoRiles S.A. 16,665,609 16,391,156 1.7%
Anam S.A. 7,767,924 6,853,188 13.3%
Hidrogística S.A. 2,618,985 2,600,114 0.7%
Biogenera S.A. 2,552,799 1,780,509 43.4%
Non-regulated, non-sanitation companies 29,605,317 27,624,967 7.2%
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Sep.24 Dec.23 % Var.
  Th$ Th$
Current assets 226,136,846 276,781,050 (18.3%)
Non-current assets 2,792,427,807 2,419,695,021 15.4%
Total assets 3,018,564,653 2,696,476,071 11.9%
Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities 250,699,212 362,634,346 (30.9%)
Non-current liabilities 1,325,260,233 1,175,813,467 12.7%
Total liabilities 1,575,959,445 1,538,447,813 2.4%
Shareholder’s Equity 858,444,735 715,849,689 19.9%
Minority Interest 584,160,473 442,178,569 32.1%
Total Shareholder’s Equity 1,442,605,208 1,158,028,258 24.6%
Total Liabilities & Shareholder’s Equity 3,018,564,653 2,696,476,071 11.9%
Cash Flow Statement (CLP$ Th.)
Cash Flow Statement (CLP$ Th.) Sep.24 Sep.23 % Var.
Operating activities 201,724,286 171,102,117 17.9%
Investment activities (141,473,209) (100,437,509) 40.9%
Financing activities (94,549,013) (103,443,511) (8.6%)
Net flows for the period (34,297,936) (32,778,903) 4.6%
Closing cash balance 76,497,474 147,766,964 (48.2%)
Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios Sep.24 Dec.23
Current Ratio times 0.90 0.76
Acid Test Ratio times 0.31 0.31

Total Leverage times 1.09 1.33
Current Leverage times 0.16 0.24
Long-term Leverage times 0.84 0.76
Interest Coverage Ratio times 4.23 4.39

ROE % 7.94 9.27
ROA % 2.20 2.44
Earnings Per Share $ 62.61 65.28
Dividend Yield % 8.95 5.89
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